Black Rainstorm Warning
While a Black Rainstorm Warning is in effect, staff and students should stay indoor or take shelter in a safe place. Staff should report for duty as soon as the Warning is cancelled and weather and transport conditions permit. As a general rule, there will be no requirement to report for duty if the Warning is cancelled at or after 2 pm on weekdays (or 10 am on Saturdays for those who are required to provide services on Saturdays).
If a Black Rainstorm Warning is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory during working hours, it will be announced via the e-mail network or through IDLPs. Staff and students should stay on campus for their own safety. If the Black Rainstorm Warning is issued during office hours and continues to be in effect at the end of the day, staff may leave as usual. However, given that the general advice during a Black Rainstorm Warning is that people should take shelter at a safe place, staff who decide to leave at that time, rather than remain where they are, should exercise due care when travelling home. Information will be provided via e-mail network on public transportation arrangements / outside traffic conditions (if information is available) and other special arrangements. Members of staff should check their e-mails for updated information and special arrangement.
If a Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled before the end of the working day, an announcement will be made via e-mail network.